Wednesday, January 28, 2009

President Obama does Old -Time Diplomacy

President went up to the Capitol yesterday to engage in old-time diplomacy. Haven't seen much in recent years. He did not send an underling. He went and he talked and he listened for @ three hours it has been reported. For the good of the country, everyone needs to realize that not everyone is going to get everything they want. Years ago, as a child, when I would say to my Dad; I want; he would answer: " What is it that you really want? Jesus ( in those days no one knew His name was said differently centuries ago) wants you to have what you really need. This takes, thoughtfulness, prayer or silent meditation, etc. and some reality facing. Hopefully 'Washington, D.C.' is taking a few moments to make some difficult decisions. Of course, I have my wants. I need what I have been awarded by those in power, paid. This is based on my employment 'contract' when I went to work for the Federal Government. Individuals took illegal and unauthorized action to stop this and it has caused me to become part of the economic downfall. So, everyone has to "play by the rules." Something, long forgotten by many over the last decade. No program or law will work, if that fundamental premise is forgotten.

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